Sunday, April 4, 2010

Podcast Review: The Byron Chronicals

Podcast: The Byron Chronicals
Written: Eric Busby
Produced by: Darker Projects
Review: Larry

For my first review of a podcast, I knew I had to pick one that will have you hooked on podcasts and show the power of this medium, one that will forever have you jonesing for your next audio fix and cursing the sumbitch that turned you into the audio equivielent of a meth-addict whore. Well folks, prepare to tap a vein!

The Byron Chronicles is as good as it gets! It is a full cast audio production with sound effects, writing, and sound editing that is, in my opinion, unequaled. It is produced by a group called Darker Projects (check them out at and they are the equivialent of 20th Century Fox or Paramount to the audio world.

What is The Byron Chronicles? It is the ongoing story (Season 3 is about to begin) of a character called Byron, aka "the pale man of Portland". We are introduced to modern day Portland, OR where the supernatural exists all around us but the majority of mankind is oblivious to it. We learn that the being known as Byron is a major Power in the scheme of things. And, best of all, Byron is not necessarily a "nice guy". He's not good, not bad, merely...pragmatic. This is a world in which vampires, werewolves, demons, and others exist and they don't play nice. But, Byron has decided that Portland is his territory. Do what you want anywhere else but Portland is HIS. But not everyone agrees, of course...

Trust me on this: Get your ass over to Itunes, and type in "Byron Chronciles" in the search window, and click on the little black icon that will pop up as a result. In the window with the episodes, scroll down to the bottom and click the "Free" button for the bottom two episodes ("Welcome to the Byron Chronicles" and "The Taint"). You will see the episodes download (the left column in Itunes) and from there you simply copy it to your Ipod. You can also play it straight from there thru your computer speakers (but where is the fun in that?!). If you want to play it straight from the computer, just follow the directions at the end of this post.

Leave a comment praising my genius and thanking me for turning you onto The Byron Chroncles. If you have problems or have an MP3 player other than an Ipod, leave a comment and I will do my best to help.

1.Go to

2.See the very small print in the left column under “Original Projects”? Go down about ten items and click once on “The Byron Chronciles”.

3.Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the Byron page that loaded.

4.The very bottom episode is a sort of promo for The Byron Chronicle entitled “Welcome to the Byron Chronicles”. You can listen to the promo if you feel like it (it is only 30 seconds long) by clicking on the mini player just below the episode title (ie, “Welcome to the Byron Chronicles”).

5.Just above the promo mentioned in Step 4 is the first episode. You will see “The Byron Chronciles 1: The Taint”. Just below that is the mini-player option mentioned in Step 4. Just click on the little arrow to the left and make sure your speakers are on. This episode is 27 mins long.

6.If you have an MP3 player (other than an Ipod), you can click on “Download” to get it on your harddrive and then just drag and drop it to your device.


  1. My girlfriend and me have listened to the first 6 episodes, we like it a lot. thanks for letting us know about it!

  2. Did you listen to "Byron's Tale" (under Night Terrors episode 6)? That is actually the first Byron tale and is _really_ good.
